UTRIPOVCI na pokalni podelitvi najboljšim triatloncem in triatlonkam sezone 2018

Utripovci smo se v petek, 23. 11. 2018, udeležili zaključne prireditve Triatlonske zveze Slovenije, ki je potekala v dvorani Janus hotela Austria Trend v Ljubljani. Predsednik TZS Mitja Tašler in najuspešnejša slovenska triatlonka Mateja Šimic sta podelila diplome in pokale najboljšim triatloncem leta 2018. Razveselili smo se letošnje novosti: najmlajšim so namreč podelili priznanja in nagrade v treh kategorijah glede na število nastopov v različnih disciplinah. Naslov Triatlonček začetnik so si zaslužili Utripovci Luka Turšič, Liam Štebe, Juš Ogrin in Liam Lupše, Izkušeni triatlončki so postali Utripovci Jaka Mlakar, Marcel Pavlin, Jakob Gašperič in Nace Mlakar, naziv Super triatlončka pa sta si prislužila Utripovca Maj Mandič in Lina Bela Kočar. S to gesto so vsi otroci dobili priznanje, da štejejo. Prireditev se je nadaljevala s podelitvijo pokalov najuspešnejšim v pokalih Duatlon in Triatlon v različnih starostnih kategorijah, ter razglasitev Super pokala. Obakrat je bila med mlajšimi mladinkami najboljša Utripovka Neža Pogačar, med kadeti pa si je v obeh pokalih 3. mesto prislužil Utripovec Žiga Podgoršek. Čestitke vsem dobitnikom priznanj. Triatlon je zabaven.

A large number of TK Utrip members attended the Triathlon Federation of Slovenia award ceremony for the year 2018, which was held on Friday, 23rd November 2018, in the Janus conference hall of the Austria Trend hotel in Ljubljana. The president of the federation Mitja Tašler and the most successful Slovene female triathlon competitor Mateja Šimic presented the awards to the best triathlon competitors of 2018. This year’s novelty delighted us: the youngest competitors were given the recognition awards according to the number of their competition entries. TK Utrip members Luka Turšič, Liam Štebe, Juš Ogrin, and Liam Lupše were awarded the Triathlon Beginner title, while Jaka Mlakar, Marcel Pavlin, Jakob Gašperič and Nace Mlakar became Experienced Triathlon Competitors, and Maj Mandič and Lina Bela Kočar won the title of Super Triathlon Competitors. This gesture shows that children count as well and their effort is recognized. The ceremony continued with the award presentations to the best in the Duathlon and Triathlon Cups in various age categories. Neža Pogačar won both in her age category, and Žiga Podgoršek was the third in the Duathlon and Triathlon Cups in his age category.  Congratulations to all award winners. Triathlon is fun.