UTRIP iz Umaga

Priprave v Umagu od 18. do 24. 3. 2019

Tudi letos so v marcu potekale tradicionalne priprave v Umagu, ki jih je Triatlonski klub UTRIP organiziral v sodelovanju s Triatlonskim klubom Velenje.

Trenerji se zahvaljujejo vsem, ki ste se udeležili ali kakor koli prispevali k organizaciji in izvedbi letošnjih priprav. Hvala tudi vsem udeleženim, ki ste pričarali prijetno vzdušje, v katerem so potekale priprave od začetka do konca.

Namen klubskih priprav je bilo poleg treninga triatlona mladincev in mlajše skupine ter rekreativne vadbe predvsem druženje. Trening v takšnem okolju, med mlajšimi, najstniki, pa tudi odraslimi in trenerji, je pustil dober pečat ter prijeten spomin na zdrav, aktiven in družaben življenjski slog za zmeraj.

V ponedeljek, 18. 3., so se od doma odpravili mladinci in njihov trener Uroš. Prvi dan so izkoristili za tekaški trening in vadbo v fitnesu. Večer je minil v znamenju druženja v sobah ob glasbi, filmih in družabnih igrah.

Torek se je začel že zelo zgodaj, saj so mladinci pod Uroševim vodstvom že ob 6. zjutraj pilili plavalno tehniko. Že ob 10. uri je sledil daljši kolesarski trening, popoldan pa lažji tekaški trening. Z večerjo in druženjem se je končal drugi dan priprav za mladince.

V sredo, 20. 3., so mladinci ponovno že navsezgodaj izboljševali plavalno formo. Ob 10. uri sta prispela v hotel in se pridružila pripravam še trenerja Miha in Primož s skupino mladih triatloncev, ki so popoldne začeli priprave s kolesarjenjem po kampu in učenjem vožnje ovinkov.

V četrtek zjutraj so mladinci čas za trening namenili regeneracijskemu teku ter teku v klanec, popoldne pa so imeli delavnico z naslovom Za aktivne mladostnike. Skupina do 14 let se je zjutraj že pred sedmo zbrala pri recepciji, saj jih je čakal prvi trening v bazenu. Popoldne so imeli delavnico z naslovom Prehrana za aktivne otroke, ki jo je vodil Primož. Dobili so navodila za spremljanje prehrane.

Tudi petkovo jutro se je začelo v bazenu, kasneje pa so mladinci sedli na kolesa, medtem ko se je mlajša skupina šla različne tekaške in štafetne igre. Vreme je bilo zares čudovito – slabih 20 stopinj, brez vetra in oblačka na nebu, zaradi česar so nekateri spoznali, kako pomembna je sončna krema. Nekaj časa smo namenili še fotografiranju, da nam ne uide spomin na te priprave.

Predzadnji dan so mladinci izkoristili za tek, kolo in fitnes. Skupina do 14 let se je najprej učila plavanja na odprtih vodah, ki je zelo specifično, popoldne pa so imeli duatlonski trening. Tudi rekreativci so pridno trenirali: plavali in tekli so z Urošem, vadbo za moč pa sta vodila Miha in Primož. Zvečer so imeli predavanje z naslovom Prehrana za zdravje odraslih. Po njem so se ob pijači in hrani družili do poznega večera.

Nedeljsko dopoldne je potekalo bolj sproščeno, saj smo se počasi pripravljali na odhod domov. Trenirali so le nekateri mladinci, mlajši pa so imeli igre na igrišču.

Tudi v naslednjem letu si želimo tako uspešnih priprav. Seveda pa se bomo potrudili, da bodo še boljše!

Oblikovala in prevedla Mojca Ogrin. Slike oblikoval Žiga Ogrin.

Utrip Sports Preparations in Umag from 18th to 24th March 2019

The Triathlon club UTRIP in cooperation with the Triathlon club Velenje once again organised their traditional March sports preparations in Umag.

The coaches thank all who participated or contributed in any way to the organization and performance of this year’s preparations. Thanks to all participants who made the preparations’ atmosphere pleasant from their beginning to the end.

The purpose of these preparations was not only to train the youth and the juniors* along with the younger groups of children and the recreational workout group but also to socialise. Training in such an environment, among youngsters, teenagers, as well as adults and coaches, has a lasting impact and forms lasting and pleasant memories on a healthy, active and social way of life.

On Monday, 18th March, Uroš and his team of youth and juniors travelled to Umag. They started with a running training session and had a training session at the fitness centre in the afternoon. The evening was dedicated to socialising, listening to music, watching movies or playing board games.

Tuesday began very early as Uroš took his team to the swimming pool to improve their swimming technique skills already at 6 a.m. At 10 o’clock, a lengthy cycling training and in the afternoon an easier running session followed. Dinner and socialising ended the second day of youth and juniors’ sports preparations.

On Wednesday, 20th March, the morning was similar to the previous one as the youth and juniors were improving their swimming in the early hours before breakfast. At 10 a.m. Miha and Primož with their group of young triathlon athletes joined the sports preparations at the hotel. They started their training with cycling at the camp and learning how to corner.

On Thursday, the youth and juniors jogged and ran up the hill. They had a workshop entitled For the Active Youth. The group under age 14 gathered at the reception before 7 a.m. and then started their swimming training session. In the afternoon, they had a workshop entitled Nutrition for Active Children ran by Primož. They were given guidelines on how to keep a record of their diet.

Friday morning started in the swimming pool as well. Later on, the youth and juniors saddled their bikes, while the younger group played running and relay games. The weather was wonderful – a bit under 20 degrees Celsius, no wind and no clouds. A few learned how important it is to use sunscreen. We also took some time to keep these sports preparations in our memories by taking some photographs.

The day before last, the youth and juniors trained running, cycling and had a fitness training session. The group of younger children was learning how to swim in open water, which is a specific way of swimming. In the afternoon, they had a duathlon training session. The recreational adult group trained hard as well: they swam and ran with Uroš, and they had strength exercises with Miha and Primož. In the evening, they had a lecture entitled Nutrition for Healthy Adults, which was followed by social gathering until late in the night.

Sunday morning was more relaxed as it was time to pack and go home. A few from the group of the youth and juniors had some training, but the younger group played on the playground.

Edited and translated by Mojca Ogrin.  Pictures edited by Žiga Ogrin.